Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Summary of Events

I think the chalkboard is a good summary of events that have occurred over the last 10 if not 20 years.

It is a bit scary, we seem to be embarked on a grand experiment. I saw a post regarding the biggest story not being reported right now, well, its more big picture then recent event. Does the public realize where we are?

We are ZIRP, we are QE, we are turning bad private debt to public debt, we are beyond the reaches of monetary and fiscal stimulus. One could just state these facts as ominious facts that indicate a great fall is in the offing, however, events write their own history.

We may be in for something new and probably unexpected, but you have to look at the chalkboard to see the steps to what lies ahead.

I case can be made for inflation or a currency crisis, a case can be made for deflation, but it is not 1970, alot has changed so to the coming events will reflect the changes to the globe.

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